FAX: 610-779-3367
FAX: 610-779-3367

What to Expect

Expect the Best in Care and Treatment
It can be unsettling going to any doctor. But knowing what to expect helps relieve anxiety and ensures a comfortable, successful visit.

Office Procedures
Following your examination, your doctor may give you prescriptions, instructions or other recommendations. We encourage you to ask any questions at that time. At the end of your visit, please see your doctor’s secretary, who can provide any additional information we may require and to schedule your next appointment if one is necessary.

X-ray Services
For your convenience, X-ray services are available at our office. You will receive the finest treatment possible from our trained and licensed staff.

Due to certain insurance requirements, additional authorization may be required for X-ray services performed in our office. It is also possible that your insurer may require you to go to an alternative site that is contracted by them.

MRI Services through Keystone
The Keystone MRI unit located in our office building has an open, non-claustrophobic design. MRI is noninvasive and has no known side effects; it’s comfortable and painless. The Keystone MRI is accredited by the American College of Radiology.

Hospital Admissions and Surgery Scheduling
If your doctor recommends surgery or hospitalization, our surgery scheduler will make arrangements for you and answer any questions you may have.

Physical Therapy
A comprehensive physical therapy course of treatment is often an important element in orthopaedic care. Your doctor may recommend to you a physical therapy provider appropriate for your care. You are always free to choose any physical therapy provider you feel is appropriate and convenient for you.