FAX: 610-779-3367
FAX: 610-779-3367

Financial Arrangements

Commonwealth Orthopaedic Associates participates in most health insurance plans. Please call the office to verify that we accept your insurance.

To help us process your claim, please bring your insurance card to each visit and notify us immediately when there is a change in coverage. Any items not covered by your insurance will be your responsibility. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Amex and Discover.

Charges for medical care rendered by our physicians will be billed directly through this office and should not be confused with charges for care received by the hospital.

Please call us at 610.779.BONE (2663) at any time to discuss a billing question or any other related issue. Our experienced staff is always available to answer questions and process your claims.

HMO patients
We participate in many HMO plans. These insurance plans require you to bring a referral form from your primary care doctor at the time of your visit. No appointment will be honored without this referral form. This is your responsibility!

Workers’ Compensation
Our physicians are very willing to treat injured workers. When scheduling a visit for a workers’ compensation injury, make this clear at the time the appointment is made. All workers’ compensation claims must be verified by our office before the doctor can see you.